We’ve been running a SD vertigo chiro clinic for years now in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and we’ve encountered vertigo stemming from a wide range of conditions. The most common one is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, otherwise known as positional vertigo or simply BPPV.
In this article, we’ll delve deeper into what this condition is and provide some facts you may not know. Toward the end, we’ll also discuss a form of natural relief that’s proven safe and effective.
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Six Facts You Should Know About Positional Vertigo
Most people have experienced vertigo at least once in their lives. It is usually self-induced vertigo, like when a kid spins around and around and still feels the spinning sensation once he or she stops moving.
But how do you know if you’re suffering from vertigo as a symptom of an underlying health condition, and specifically positional vertigo? Here are some indicators:
If it happens upon waking, it’s likely positional vertigo.
You’re likely suffering from positional vertigo if you experience it the moment you try to get out of bed.
When this happens, stay relaxed, do not panic, and do not get up from a lying position too quickly. Doing so could only aggravate your condition. Also, such an episode only lasts for a few seconds to a couple of minutes, so you can wait for it until it passes.
Attacks become more common after the age of 40.
Vertigo attacks occur in 1 out of every 3 adults over the age of 40. As a result, people tend to dismiss this condition as a part of the normal process of aging, which is definitely not the case.
Just because you hit your 40’s does not mean vertigo attacks have to come along with it. Be sure to remain aware of your health and any health conditions that you might be ignoring.
You could be suffering from vestibular migraines.
Positional vertigo is a byproduct of a sudden change in head position. But if your condition also comes with bouts of nausea, neck pain, headaches, you could also be suffering from vestibular migraines.
Lying down or bending over may trigger an episode.
Motions like bending over or lying down may trigger a vertigo episode. And between these two motions, bending over is more dangerous. It can easily lead to a bad fall head-first into concrete or any other hard surface on the ground.
The problem may lie on both ears.
Vertigo is usually a one-ear problem, but for some people, both ears are affected. And when this is the case, episodes tend to be more severe and frequent. In addition, bilateral vertigo attacks are much longer, making it more debilitating for its sufferers.
Vertigo diagnoses are much easier to make.
Vertigo attacks aren’t fun, but the one silver lining with it is that diagnoses are much easier to make. Even if you’ve only had two attacks, doctors can usually diagnose you with positional vertigo and give the necessary advice.
When consulting an expert, make sure also to ask whether your condition may be linked to a more serious underlying health condition.
Home Remedies for Positional Vertigo
Once you’ve ruled out any serious underlying cause for your positional vertigo, you may proceed with some home remedies to alleviate its symptoms.
- Hydrate properly: Dehydration is one of the little-known causes of vertigo. The sensation of vertigo or dizziness is one way for your body to signal that you’re running low on fluids.
Before worrying about medication or other forms of relief, be adequately hydrated and notice if your symptoms improve.
- Canalith repositioning: While it may sound fancy and complicated, canalith repositioning involves natural head movements to reposition the displaced crystals in the inner ear. That displacement is one of the possible causes of vertigo attacks.
Performing these techniques in your home may save you the time and money you’ll spend on a visit to the doctor’s office.
- Reducing salt intake: Too much salt in the body causes water retention, which may cause fluid buildup in the ear. That buildup is another trigger for vertigo, but more often for people with Meniere’s disease, which is different from positional vertigo.
Curb this problem by regulating your salt intake. The less sodium in your body, the less water is retained.
- Familiarize yourself with the condition: Knowing the nature of your vertigo attacks is a helpful way to decrease their frequency. One way to do this is by keeping a diary to keep track of when these episodes take place.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for Positional Vertigo
The top bones of the spine, otherwise known as the atlas and axis, are often at the root of recurring vertigo issues. Because of their location in close proximity to the ears, any misalignment of the vertebrae may have a profound effect on vestibular function.
Misalignments of the atlas and axis may also affect brainstem function and blood flow to the head. It may contribute to both peripheral and central vertigo.
Upper cervical chiropractic care is one way to resolve these misalignments. By using gentle and precise techniques, we encourage the top two vertebrae of the neck to return to their correct positions. This is precisely what we practice here in our clinic, Upper Cervical of Sioux Falls.
If you need a reliable SD vertigo chiro clinic, call us at (605) 275-6900 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a complimentary consultation.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Casey Weerheim call our Sioux Falls office at 605-275-6900. You can also click the button below.