If you have been searching for a South Dakota based fibromyalgia doctor, we’d like to introduce you to a natural therapy that has been able to resolve fibromyalgia in several case studies. The first key to combating fibromyalgia is understanding the many debilitating symptoms and how they relate to the upper cervical spine.
Table of Contents
Symptom 1 – Pain & Tender Points
While most people associate fibromyalgia with whole body and joint pain, doctors will actually use 18 tender points on the body to make a diagnosis. Examining the location of these fibromyalgia tender points can help us to understand the underlying factors involved. Points are found in pairs and are in the following 9 areas:
- The insides of the knees
- The outside of the elbows
- Below the collarbone to either side of the breastbone
- At the juncture of the thighs and buttocks
- Approximately halfway between the lower neck and the shoulders
- Near the shoulder blades in the upper back
- On either side of the voice box in the front of the neck
- At the base of the skull on either side of the back of the neck
In order to get a diagnosis, you need 11 of these 18 points to be tender. However, what is more telling is how many of these points are either right along the spine or can be related to the spine. The alignment of the top two bones of the neck, in particular, is closely related to all of these points, not just the two that are located on either side of the atlas (C1 vertebra).
Symptom 2 – Recurring Migraines or Tension Headaches
Migraines and tension headaches can also be related to the neck. In fact, about 75% of migraine patients experience neck pain either before or during an episode. Tension headaches often start in the neck, where the body stores tension in the muscles. A misalignment in this top part of the neck can affect blood flow to the brain, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, or brainstem function, leading to headaches and migraines.
Symptom 3 – Fibro Fog
This is such a common and debilitating symptom of fibromyalgia that it has even adopted the name of the disease. Usually called brain fog, fibro fog refers to cognitive symptoms of fibromyalgia. For example, a person may have problems with short term memory, recall, attention, focus, and more. In fact, many patients feel this is one of the more debilitating symptoms.
Symptom 4 – Poor Sleep Quality
Pain is just a part of the reason that fibromyalgia patients often find it difficult to sleep. Depression, an associated condition, can also lead to more sleep during the daytime, which can throw off the body’s ability to set a regular sleep schedule.
The problem with a lack of sleep for fibromyalgia patients is that it exacerbates many of the other symptoms. For example, the brain has more trouble processing pain properly when you are tired. Also, cognitive symptoms grow worse with a lack of sleep. Therefore, a regular sleep schedule and the right conditions for sleep are vital for fibromyalgia sufferers.
Symptom 5 – Chronic Fatigue
This symptom causes some doctors to mix up chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Again, this is another symptom that can be made worse if the patient is not sleeping properly. However, the lack of sleep is not the only cause of this fatigue. This symptom is an extreme lack of energy. Think of how wiped out you may have felt if you ever had the flu. Now imagine that feeling constantly.
Symptom 6 – Other Central Nervous System Symptoms
There are many other symptoms of fibromyalgia that are related to the function of the central nervous system. For example:
- Tingling and numbness – These symptoms are often related to nerve issues and the misalignments that cause them. You may at first feel like you are experiencing pain from swelling. However, inflammation is not usually a problem for fibromyalgia patients.
- Temperature sensitivity – Fibromyalgia patients are particularly sensitive to cold temperatures but heat extremes can also increase symptoms.
- Sensory sensitivities – Sensory overload can trigger a flare-up of other symptoms. It can also lead to feelings of panic or anxiety. The patient may become overly sensitive to lights, sounds, smells, and touches.
- Depression and anxiety – While depression and anxiety are not necessarily symptoms of fibromyalgia, they are conditions that are more likely to occur if a person also has fibromyalgia.
As you can see from these and many of the other symptoms noted above, there is a clear link between the CNS and fibromyalgia. Therefore, it makes sense to try upper cervical chiropractic care to keep your atlas (C1) in the optimal position for CNS function.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota Based Fibromyalgia Doctor for Natural Care
At Upper Cervical of Sioux Falls, we use upper cervical chiropractic care to help patients suffering from fibromyalgia, neck and back pain, migraines, vertigo, and more. The key is taking precise measurements and using gentle adjustments to coax the atlas back into place. This gives the body the time it needs to heal so that proper blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow can be restored and brainstem function can be maximized.
To learn more, contact us today at 605.275.6900 to schedule a consultation, or you can set up an appointment online. We look forward to helping you get to the root of your fibromyalgia symptoms. Let us help you get your life back!
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Casey Weerheim call our Sioux Falls office at 605-275-6900. You can also click the button below.