Categories: Vertigo / Dizziness

Chiropractor Approved Ways to Relieve Vertigo

Vertigo has no miracle fix, and we always tell our patients that besides visiting our SD vertigo chiro clinic, there are other methods they can do to break free from this debilitating symptom. In this blog, we will share eight effective ways of getting natural relief from vertigo and its associated symptoms.  The last tip shall direct you to a method that has provided benefits for thousands of patients in case studies. 

1. The Epley Maneuver

If you are sufferings from BPPV or positional vertigo, this canalith repositioning technique can be beneficial for you. Positional vertigo often stems from the migration of calcium crystals in the inner ear canals that affect the body’s spatial orientation and balance. If a crystal travels away from its proper canal, it can result in a false feeling of movement or spinning. The Epley maneuver is a common therapy established to get the crystal back into the correct part of the inner ear through a couple of head movements. You can do this at home or ask for a professional’s help.

2. Reduction of Salt Intake

This natural method is for those with Meniere’s disease, a vestibular disorder that causes vertigo and several other symptoms. It is due to excessive fluid in the inner ear, also called endolymphatic hydrops. Reducing your salt intake can help from keeping the fluid in your body, thus limiting the amount of fluid in the inner ear. However, be sure to drink more water to avoid dehydration. 

3. Bending with the Knees

This is another applicable method for people suffering from positional vertigo. Since the head position is a significant factor in the onset of vertigo, bend with your knees instead of your waist when picking up something from the ground. This can help you avoid vertigo attacks and prevent falls. Do not tilt your head forward.

4. Drinking More Water

Vertigo is a symptom, and it can indicate a lack of proper hydration in your body. For this reason, be sure to drink enough water each day. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. To monitor your water intake, download an app that tracks the amount of water you drink. 

5. Maintaining Proper Posture

All of us should be keeping good posture, especially those with vertigo. Forward head posture is a common problem that increases pressure on the spine, specifically the neck. If not corrected, this can cause more frequent and severe episodes of vertigo. 

6. Quitting Smoking for Good

If you’re a non-smoker, that’s great to know. But if you smoke, your vertigo should be a sign that it’s time to quit for good. Doctors have stressed enough about how smoking is bad for all sorts of health conditions, but it is worse if you get vertigo frequently. Once again, this points to the neck and the fact that nicotine can fast track degeneration of the discs between the vertebrae. 

7. Exercise

Exercise not only strengthens your bones, muscles, and the whole body but also helps in reducing the severity and frequency of vertigo. First, the correct forms of exercise can strengthen the spine and help you maintain proper posture. Second, exercise is an excellent method for stress management. Stress is a main trigger for bouts of vertigo. If you deal with stress and having regular exercise, reaching for a cigarette will be a little easier to resist. During a good workout, your body releases stress-reducing hormones that can combat vertigo.

8. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Did you notice we mentioned the neck several times throughout this post? This is because an upper cervical subluxation (neck misalignment) and vertigo have a connection. Let us explain to you how.

  • Eustachian tube function

The eustachian tubes move too much fluid away from the inner ear. The obstructed passageway of these tubes due to a lesion can pile up fluid in the inner ear, thereby leading to vertigo. According to a study, an atlas misalignment can slowly lead to this problem.

  • Blood flow facilitation

Since the upper cervical vertebrae enable blood flow to the brain, any misalignment in the neck can block the blood and oxygen that reach the brain. Once again, this can have an impact on how the central nervous system perceives signals about the body’s location and position in its environment.

  • Brainstem function

The atlas (C1 vertebra) surrounds the brainstem. While its main job is for protection, a misalignment can cause the atlas to do otherwise. The atlas can bring pressure on the brainstem and hinder it from functioning as it should. Since signals between the body and brain must pass through the brainstem, a misalignment can have an impact on your balance and spatial orientation. 

With these things in mind, the importance of having a correctly aligned atlas becomes more evident. Upper cervical chiropractors such as us here at Upper Cervical of Sioux Falls in South Dakota, give gentle and very safe adjustments to the atlas. These adjustments can help turn around the negative outcomes of the misalignment. Our adjustments are long-lasting, allowing more time for the body to feel better.

If you are suffering from chronic vertigo, give us a call at (605) 275-6900 or set an appointment with us. This therapy can cater to all people of ages, especially those with a history of head or neck injury. Try it, and you may just realize the best way to break free from vertigo for good! 

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Casey Weerheim call our Sioux Falls office at 605-275-6900. You can also click the button below. If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at
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