Categories: Headache / Migraine

Easy, Alternative Care Options for Migraines in Sioux Falls, SD

Migraines tend to be both debilitating and extremely inconvenient for those suffering from them, to the point that they can interrupt time with family, friends, and even affect job performance and involvement. If you are suffering from this neurological disorder, you can be sure that you are not alone. Migraines are one of the most prevalent conditions experienced around the world, with women taking the lead in the ones being affected. Though they are not limited to any one age group, migraines usually impact people ages 25 to 55. Numerous medications are available for relieving migraines, but many people find them unsatisfactory or find that they come with undesirable side effects that outweigh the benefits. The good news is that new research has been showing proof of success with an alternative method of caring for migraines, without the need for medication. This natural alternative has proven to be effective for many migraine sufferers. Let’s take a look at what some methods of care involve and a final solution that can bring long-term migraine relief.

Ways to Keep Migraine Pain Away

Rest after stress: It is common knowledge that stress can lead to a headache or a migraine episode. However, what is surprising is that the relief you get following a stressful situation can also trigger migraines. The Yeshiva University in New York found that a drop in cortisol and other stress-related hormones can lead to head pain. Knowing this, it would be valuable to take certain precautions when you are coming out of a stressful situation and you think that a migraine may be developing. A few simple things you can do to help keep a headache away would be to get plenty of sleep, eat nutritious foods, do some light physical exercise, and practicing relaxation techniques. All of these can benefit the nervous system, helping it to function properly. Some extra measures that you can take are cognitive behavioral therapy, guided visual imagery, or even closing your eyes for 30 seconds and focusing on your breathing.

Sharing with others about your pain: Researchers at the University of Michigan analyzed 21,741 tweets about migraines. Out of all of them, 65% of the people tweeting were experiencing a migraine at the same time they were sending the message. What they found was that simply by expressing your feelings about migraines and the painful suffering you are having, you can actually find some relief from the symptoms. Study author, Alexandre DaSilva, stated that neuroimaging studies suggest cognitive and emotional areas of the brain can control some of the activity related to physical pain. This is why sharing your feelings about your migraines on social media could bring a measure of relief beyond expressing your emotions.

Over caring for migraines: There are certain doctors whose first step in providing care for their migraine patients is to send them for expensive and unnecessary testing, such as MRIs and CT scans. A study in Boston at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital showed that 12 million Americans are unnecessarily tested when suffering with migraines. Study author John N. Mafi said clinical guidelines for migraines recommend doctors educate their patients on lifestyle modifications prior to sending them for additional tests like those mentioned above, which usually do not return with any important information. The first line of defense when combatting migraines is to make healthy lifestyle choices such as eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly. Another highly recommended thing to do is keep a migraine diary. By keeping track of what you were doing, the foods you ate, the weather conditions, and how you were feeling before a migraine attack, you make it easier to identify your personal triggers so that you can stay away them.

Biofeedback:  This is a way for you to gather information or feedback about your skin temperature, brain waves, muscle tension, and other signals within the body to help lower your stress levels. Information is collected by using electrodes – small metal sensors – placed on your skin. The information is sent through the wires to a machine that shows data as numbers, sounds, or electrical waves on the screen. Studies have shown that while a migraine is happening, blood flow in the brain changes. Through the use of biofeedback, it can help you recognize a change in the flow of blood to the brain, allowing you to have more control over a headache.

Acupuncture: This ancient Chinese method involves very fine needles that get placed into different areas on the body. The way it works is it helps correct energy imbalances and gives the body a boost in fighting off illnesses. Research results have shown that acupuncture may help the body release pain-blocking chemicals, like endorphins. The brain can also be stimulated in such a way that it releases other chemicals and hormones that increase the health of the body.

Herbs: There are various herbs that are sometimes recommended for migraines. Most studies have focused on butterbur and feverfew. Feverfew is the more commonly chosen herbal remedy when it comes to migraine relief. While some studies have shown that it is beneficial, there is still more research needed to prove this. It is best to meet with your doctor regarding the use of any type of herb or supplement to ensure that it is safe for you and that it won’t conflict with any medications you are already taking.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Benefits Migraine Sufferers

Among the most effective natural remedies for migraines is upper cervical chiropractic care. A study was done of 101 migraine patients, who after being examined were found to all have a misalignment in the bones of the upper neck. Every one of these patients was provided an adjustment designed for their specific needs by an upper cervical chiropractor. The outcomes were impressive. Every one of them saw improvements in their migraine pain, with a number of them experiencing a complete resolution in their migraines symptoms, meaning they never had a migraine again.

Here at Upper Cervical of Sioux Falls, we use similar methods to those used in the study mentioned above. It is a gentle and precise type of adjustment that is both effective in realigning the displaced bones while getting longer-lasting results than the typical popping or cracking of the neck that is done in other chiropractic offices. This method is based on scientific measurements and encourages the bones return to their correct place naturally, which is why the results last longer. Many of our patients have reported similar results to those in the study mentioned above. If this sounds like the natural migraine relief alternative you have been looking for, please give us a call. We would be happy to further discuss your unique needs and how we can help you obtain a better, pain free, quality of life.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Casey Weerheim call our Sioux Falls office at 605-275-6900. You can also click the button below. If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at
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