Pain is the notorious symptom of fibromyalgia. Chronic pain can be disabling to experience. For this reason, many people visit a fibromyalgia chiropractor in South Dakota to get help. But aside from pain, what else are the indications of fibromyalgia?
In this post, we will go over the other common signs of the condition and a natural therapy that can bring relief to many fibromyalgia patients.
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The Pain in Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a health disorder that causes people to feel widespread body pain and hypersensitivity to pressure. The explanation is that the brain perceives intense pain even when there is little to no pain.
Pain is its hallmark symptom, and patients can experience it in varying ways. Some people describe a painful stabbing feeling all over the body while others may complain of chronic dull, achy pain.
The pain may target one area, or it could affect multiple spots of the body. What frustrating about fibromyalgia pain is that it constantly happens for no apparent reason. Some patients recognize specific triggers, such as stress and weather changes.
Other Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Severe fatigue
Many FM patients experience chronic fatigue. They are tired and have low energy levels most of the time. The nature of the condition is the reason behind it. Chronic pain can drain a person’s energy. Also, pain and muscle spasms always disturb their sleep cycle. In the long run, these hurt their immune system, leading to weakness and exhaustion.
Sensitivity to touch
This can either be hyperesthesia or hyperalgesia.
This is a heightened sensitivity to the sense of touch. For example, a light blanket feels like a heavy weight in your skin.
This is an intense feeling of pain. For example, a minor thing such as hitting your elbow can give you severe pain that can last for hours or days.
Either of the two can be challenging to deal with as they hinder patients from doing their regular routines and enjoying life.
Sensitivity to the surrounding environment
This involves a heightened sense of smell, hearing, and sight. Fibromyalgia patients may feel nauseous after smelling cigarette smoke or strong perfume. Another trigger as well is chemical-based cleaners. When it comes to sounds, an average noise may appear extra loud and cause a headache. Moderate lights may look very bright. All we mentioned can happen even in familiar surroundings.
Muscle spasms
These can be unbearable for anyone with fibromyalgia. The worst pain happens at night, disrupting a person’s sleep. Sometimes they are random, but in general, they repeatedly occur to one or more muscle groups.
Stiff joints and muscles
Another characteristic of fibromyalgia is the joint and muscle stiffness. You can compare it to the feeling after doing a strenuous exercise or task. But a person with FM experiences it for no reason at all. It can affect the whole body, or just one or a couple of joint or muscle groups. Being sedentary can make symptoms worse. It can also aggravate after long hours of sitting down or first thing in the morning. Medication does not always work to relieve it.
“Fibro fog”
This warning sign involves cognitive issues such as problem concentrating or recalling information. For example, a patient may find it difficult to remember newly acquired skills or facts. Fibromyalgia may be obstructing the brain’s ability to function correctly by disrupting the synaptic pathways.
Bowel problems
People with fibromyalgia are prone to get irritable bowel syndrome. Some patients experience constipation problems, while others suffer from diarrhea.
Chronic headaches
Headaches due to fibromyalgia are intense and debilitating. It may feel like throbbing pain or constant pressure. The pain may affect the temples and spreads into the neck, upper back, and shoulders. Many FM patients report headaches after exposure to environmental triggers such as bright lights, strong odors, or loud noise. The head pain can persist for days, and it is also a contributing factor for lack of sleep.
Imagine having to deal with chronic pain, low energy levels, lack of sleep, and limited ability to perform day-to-day tasks. These can easily lead to depression. However, another theory is that fibromyalgia alters the chemicals in the brain, causing depression. Doctors often prescribe anti-depressants to FM patients.
Proven Relief from Fibromyalgia Pain and Symptoms
If any of these symptoms have been your complaint for a long time, it may be best to seek out the aid of a fibromyalgia chiropractor in South Dakota. We know that fibromyalgia diagnosis is scary, but we are here to help.
There is still hope after all for fibromyalgia patients as a natural method is accessible to relieve FM. This method is none other than upper cervical chiropractic care. It maintains the health of the spine, a vital factor for fibromyalgia patients.
Here at Upper Cervical of Sioux Falls in South Dakota, our objective is to attain the right alignment of the top bones of the neck. This is because the C1 and C2 bones protect the brainstem. If either of them is out of alignment, the brainstem would have to endure pressure and damage. This may result in the transmission of incorrect messages about the body’s pain.
Upper cervical chiropractors like us adjust the bones with precision and gentleness. Through this method, the brain and body can restore their proper communication. This can mean improvement or reversal of fibromyalgia for people.
Fill out this contact form to set an appointment with us.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Casey Weerheim call our Sioux Falls office at 605-275-6900. You can also click the button below.