Vertigo / Dizziness

5 Triggers You Should Avoid If You Have Meniere’s

Many of the patients who wish for Sioux Falls vertigo relief have Meniere’s disease. 

Anyone can get Meniere’s. However, elders and people with allergies are more likely to develop this condition. People who have relatives with a diagnosis of Meniere’s are also at a higher risk of getting it.

Meniere’s is an inner ear condition believed to result from poor fluid drainage and fluid buildup. This inner ear fluid is essential for how we process motion and maintain balance when we move. But with more than the necessary amount of fluid in our ears, the outcome would most likely be vertigo.

Vertigo is a leading symptom of Meniere’s, often regarded by sufferers as the most exhausting. Meniere’s disease can also lead to hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing ear syndrome), and ear fullness or discomfort. However, isn’t it puzzling to know that many patients with Meniere’s disease think that vertigo is far worse than losing the ability to hear?

Perhaps, the reason lies entirely in the fact that vertigo episodes can be so severe and incapacitating. If you have vertigo, you know that sudden movements, however slight, can trigger spinning sensations that leave you dizzy and afraid for a while. Not only that, having vertigo can put you at risk of falling and, therefore, injuring yourself more.

If you are looking for ways to prevent Meniere’s or seeking Sioux Falls vertigo relief, we hope that this article can help you find what you need– or what you need to avoid.

5 Things to Avoid If You Have Meniere’s Disease  

When you get a bruise or a cut, you avoid touching it so it won’t hurt more. The same logic applies to having Meniere’s. As much as possible, if you have Meniere’s disease, steer clear of the triggers below that can cause the onset or make your symptoms worse:

#1. Smoking

Believe it or not, nicotine does a lot of damage to the body, and these can exist outside the lungs. Nicotine contains a property that tightens the blood vessels in your body. If the blood vessels in your ears become constricted, this can kickstart the abnormal buildup of fluid in your inner ears. 

#2. Stress

Exposure to excessive stress and tension can result in harsher symptoms if you have Meniere’s disease. Most doctors advise patients with Meniere’s to participate in stress-relieving activities. Yoga, therapy, and mild exercises are among the more popular choices for those with Meniere’s.

#3. Dehydration

If you’ve been passing on drinking water and you’ve been experiencing worse vertigo episodes, then you might want to refill your water bottle and drink. Hydrating yourself throughout the day can help regulate and stabilize the level of fluid in your inner ear.

#4. Caffeine

Caffeine can intensify tinnitus or ringing ear syndrome. Tinnitus is a bothersome symptom that can manifest as buzzing, clicking, or ringing noise in your ears. You can expect poor focus or concentration along with this symptom.

#4. Alcohol

Alcohol can make you dizzy or have a false sensation of spinning, and you do not need to get diagnosed with Meniere’s for these things to happen. However, if you have Meniere’s, drinking alcohol can trigger more intense flare-ups and vertigo.

#5. Salt

The first thing doctors will tell their patients with Meniere’s is to switch to a low-sodium diet. If you remember the times you feel bloated when eating chips or salty foods, it’s because sodium can lead to fluid retention. As mentioned above, excessive fluid in the inner ears can make Meniere’s disease symptoms worse.

If you are dealing with Meniere’s disease, you might have already gone to a doctor for help. Doctors usually prescribe medicines to curb nausea and dizziness that come along with Meniere’s attacks. In rare cases, surgery might be necessary for relief. 

Suppose you’re looking for an alternative way to get Sioux Falls vertigo relief that is not as costly and intimidating as surgery. In that case, upper cervical chiropractic can help you with your dilemma.


Coping with Meniere’s and Vertigo with Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care 

Constantly dealing with Meniere’s disease and vertigo can be tiring and frustrating. As a result, many patients have searched far and wide to get relief from these conditions. Fortunately, plenty of patients found the answer to their problem– upper cervical chiropractic care.

In many cases, upper neck misalignments are to blame in developing conditions like Meniere’s disease. For example, in a study involving 139 patients with Meniere’s, all patients reported sustaining neck misalignments from a car accident or a whiplash injury before their diagnosis of Meniere’s. So, correcting the misalignment is a promising way to alleviate Meniere’s disease symptoms.

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a practice that has existed for many decades. It’s been gaining traction again– and for a good reason. 

Apart from supporting the head for movements, the upper cervical spine’s primary function is to protect the brainstem. So, a misalignment in these bones can lead to poor brainstem function, resulting in mixed signals between the brain and body. These confusing messages can lead to an abnormal buildup of fluid in the inner ear– therefore, Meniere’s.

Our upper cervical chiropractor, Dr. Casey Weerheim, has the knowledge and skills required to assess and correct upper neck misalignments. After adjusting the alignment of your upper cervical spine, you can expect fewer or less intense vertigo episodes or total elimination of your symptoms.

Do you want to experience Sioux Falls vertigo relief? Call (605) 275-6900 today to schedule a consult with Dr. Weerheim.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Casey Weerheim call our Sioux Falls office at 605-275-6900. You can also click the button below. If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at


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