Sioux Falls SD Chiropractic: Is It Good for Whiplash Pain?

Have you ever jerked your head forward and backward suddenly, perhaps during a minor car accident on the bustling streets of Sioux Falls, SD? Or maybe after a fun but intense game at one of our local parks? If yes, you're likely familiar with the persistent and annoying pain of whiplash. This isn't just any [...]

2023-11-22T07:07:28+00:00August 27th, 2023|Whiplash|Comments Off on Sioux Falls SD Chiropractic: Is It Good for Whiplash Pain?

Reducing Vertigo Attacks: Sleeping Tips and Other Options from a Sioux Falls Chiropractor

The lesser quality of sleep that you get, the more vertigo attacks you’re bound to experience. Keep this from happening by following a few simple sleeping tips that can help you catch some good quality Zs! Other than these tips, our Sioux Falls Chiropractor also suggests a certain all-natural care option for vertigo.

2023-11-22T07:11:49+00:00August 6th, 2023|Vertigo / Dizziness|Comments Off on Reducing Vertigo Attacks: Sleeping Tips and Other Options from a Sioux Falls Chiropractor