These 10 Hallmark Signs Can Tell if You Have Fibromyalgia

Have you recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) or think that you might have it? We are a South Dakota-based fibromyalgia doctor, and we can help you understand your condition and find a fitting solution for your unique situation. 

Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that causes intense, chronic, and widespread pain, and heightened sensitivity to pressure. It is a pain processing disorder, which means that the body thinks it is in pain when there is little to no pain. Here are ten common signs of fibromyalgia:

1. Pain

Pain presents itself in different ways. Some people may feel a stabbing sensation throughout the body, while some may feel a chronic, dull ache. The pain can also spread to several parts of the body. It can be frustrating for those suffering from FM as their pain may occur for no reason at all, making it harder to resolve. Some people have events that trigger their FM attacks, such as weather changes and stressful situations. 

2. Sensitivity to touch or pain

Sensitivity to touch or hyperesthesia/hyperalgesia is a symptom that causes people to feel pain more intensely than what normal healthy people would feel. This can be a hindrance to your everyday activities and may come and go in a continuous cycle. Hyperesthesia is the term for increased sensitivity to touch while hyperalgesia is a pain sensation that is greater than what is normal.

3. Extreme fatigue

There is no surprise that a large number of fibromyalgia patients experience constant fatigue. With all the spasms and sensitivity in parts of the body, as well as disrupted sleep, it exhausts the patient endlessly and, in turn, takes a toll on their immune system. 

4. Sensitivity to the environment

A person with fibromyalgia is sensitive to the sound, light, and smell of their environment. Sensations that are perceived by people without FM as tolerable dramatically affect those with FM. For instance, a freshly-painted room and cigarette smoke may be intolerable for their sense of smell and may make them feel nauseated. Moderate noise may seem too loud for them and can cause a headache. 

5. Stiff joints and muscles

When you engage in strenuous activities, you will naturally have stiff joints and muscles, but for those with FM, they experience these sensations for no apparent reason. This stiffness can affect the whole body or just specific muscle groups. It may feel worse during the morning as soon as they wake up or when they stay still, such as sitting for long periods. Medications have varying results in offering relief. 

6. Muscle spasms

People who suffer from FM can experience extreme, uncontrollable muscle spasms in different parts of the body. The worst ones often come at night, disrupting their sleep.

7. Problems with concentration

Dubbed as the “fibro-fog,” patients with FM have a hard time recalling new information and have difficulty concentrating. Though researchers are not sure of the exact cause of this problem, they consider the possibility that FM could be hindering the function of the synaptic pathways. 

8. Chronic headaches

These constant throbbing headaches are felt from the temple or cranium down to the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Due to the nature of headaches, they can be a severe and debilitating symptom. The sensitivity of the senses often triggers chronic headaches. It may last for hours or even days, and it contributes to the disruption in the sleep of patients with FM.

9. Bowel problems

Some patients with FM have a higher risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, or constipation.

10. Depression

With all the symptoms mentioned here, such as the chronic pain that seems incurable and the constant disruption that migraines bring in everyday life, there’s a big possibility that FM patients can develop depression. It is also likely that FM alters the chemical composition in the brain, which can also result in depression. Antidepressants are often recommended to patients with FM.

Finding Natural Relief Is Possible

The signs and symptoms mentioned above might seem daunting especially for those who have been recently diagnosed with FM, but here at Upper Cervical of Sioux Falls, we ensure that there is a proven natural relief that can help manage your fibromyalgia. We focus on correcting the misalignment of the C1 and C2 vertebrae of the neck, which puts stress onto the brainstem, causing the sending of faulty signals to the brain about the pain and sensation felt by the body. 

Upper cervical chiropractic care uses a gentle method without popping or cracking the spine when realigning the bones. This relieves the pressure put onto the brainstem and enables the body to restore the communication between the brain and the body. This is the key to the reversal of your FM symptoms.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Casey Weerheim call our Sioux Falls office at 605-275-6900. You can also click the button below. If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at
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